Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Definitions and Such

Hello Classroom Blog Readers ,

Below I have quoted the original web (wikipedia) definition of these terms and concepts, while afterwards I have included my reworded version. This was the best way I could find myself explaining these things because frankly, I'm not very good at technological talk. But! I'm werking on it. :)

OSC (Open Sound Control)
“a format for messaging among computers, sound
synthesizers, and other multimedia devices that are optimized for modern networking technology

a standard communication form on digital instruments such as computers, sound synthesizers and such mechanism designed for new age technology developed by a couple dewds named Adrian Freed and Matt Wright.

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)
“a technical standard that describes a protocoldigital interface and connectors and allows a wide variety of electronic musical instrumentscomputers and other related devices to connect and communicate with one another”

a format that permits various electronic instruments and computer intelligence to communicate with each other by protocol, digital interface, and connectors.

Noise Music
 “a class of music that consists of multiple discrete genres of sound composition that tend to disturb the categories of both noise and music.”

a musical classification consisting of various independent sound composition genres which interfere both the noise and music categories.   

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