Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Lecture 2-4-14


Additive Synthesis

The human body can receive sound from 20 hz= 22,050 khz,
22,050            Nyquist Frequency
44,100            The CD
<72                 Dancing
72                   Average human heartbeat
>72                 Relaxing, introspective, somber, mellow
>60                 Rhythm
20                   Around then, starting of human hearing

Harmonic Series
1/1   2/1  3/2  4/3  5/4  6/5  7/6  8/7  9/8
            1/1 = Fundamental: Monad

Arithmetic Series 
[1  2  4  8  16]

[32  64 128 256 512] = all C’s

Example of Breaking Down Series :
1/1 -> 256/256  -> Monad: 256
2/1 -> 512/1 ->  512: Yin Yan, eye and the father are one
3/2 ->  etc idk

Use of Prime Numbers

Look at 3:
3/3 =  1/1
4/3=   given
5/3 = 436.6 = A
6/3=   2/1

Look at 7:
7/7 =  1/1
8/7 = given
9/7 =  7/3
10/7 =  7/5
11/7 =  402.285  Minor 6th
12/7=  7/6
13/7 = 475.4285 Minor 7th
14/7 =  2/1
Ring Modulation = Tremolo, vibrato
Frequency Modulation= Bells/ Brass
Amplitude Modulation
Granular Synthesis

MIDI: Musical Instrument Digital Interface
            Midi files= (should already have 5 downloaded) .mid
            Operates as a control protocol from 0-127*
                        -That gives us 128 different values
            3 things:
Midinote 0-127
                        Velocity  0-127
                        Channels 0-127
(usually 16 channels)         
            Channel 10 is drums*
            -Groove and banks are often the same
Midinotes are different from wave files because midinotes do not have any audio information in it. They are only a series of on/off messages, notes, velocities, etc. For most part .mid is a text file (open ur midi file with textedit and c)
Birth of midi in the 80’s

            *2 things MIDI does: It’s a protocol and a format*


Google: Midi, find some things to play midi.

Blog:    Midi/ Stohastic
Pick a mode, find where primes appear and in those modes you’ll find new modes. Research. Prime modes are mathematically simple: “music of the spheres”.
                        Stohastic Synthesis
                        Innis Xenukis

Use Cecilia to make Granular Synth
Cecilia= file-> module-> time-> granular
            Upload Files  
Stohastic Generator: (right hand corner, third icon in)
                        (crashes often, oh well)

Make: 5 or 6 of these Granular Synth for Thursday
                        Pitch sound
                        Spoken word
                        (some other stuff, he talks fast)

Join: The facebook page for your midterm software and buy the book for it.


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