Friday, April 19, 2013

Final Requirements

Just found this on my computer if anyone is interested

6 files - lfe, left stereo, right stereo, left, center, right
1 movie file
folder with your name, student id, title of piece
48000 kHz, mono or stereo (16 bit) wav/aif, all source, sesx file
audio bed that changes at least once
paragraph about what you did
import something from UBUweb
4 hours of lab time logged
excel spreadsheet with arrangement view (cues)
use audition, 3-5 minutes (max 7)
route 2 effects inside audition
at least 1 sound goes 360, ping-pong, traveling, morphing
environmental sound
extra credit if sound from pure data or cecilia, or do silent film, use synth
20 cubes

Friday, April 5, 2013

Monday Class

Hey Everyone,

Hope everything's going well with the projects. Today is a workday, but we will be meeting on Monday to show Pat the progress we've made thus far. Have a great weekend
