Wednesday, February 19, 2014

All the work

For my de-construction of a song, I chose "When I'm Sixty-Four" from Sargent Pepper's Lonely Heart Club Band. 
It's a happy song, the begins with a full beat, a stringed instrument is used to complement the vocalist. The strings are sped up in according to suggest a change of tempo or situation within the lyrics. Later in the song bells join and duet with the drums. The vocals have a slight echo, only when other instruments pause.

The song was produced by Brian Martin, and sung/written by Paul McCartney.

My remedial work for only earning 70% on the quiz is a better explanation of Just Intonation. It is just as important to know when to use Just Intonation verses ET. This video does an excellent job of playing example of both, and training your ears to know why you use Just Intonation.

And these are my attempts to play with Noatikl and Ableton

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