Sunday, February 5, 2017

soundcloud with Cecilia

So I played with the "Degrade" option in Cecilia and came out with some interesting beats. I used a simple guitar beat, and added some effects like Delay and Reverb which make up to an interesting sound. Changed some options in the timeline like Filter Frequency and some others. I enjoy beats in the background of songs like the one I used, but usually not a guitar. So it was interesting to see how you can change the sound of a song, and make it higher, lower, slower.. Even happier or darker depending on what feeling you are trying to touch the listener with. Very interesting interface and has a lot of cool stuff to play with.

Here is the Soundcloud link, the first 10 seconds for some reason don't sound like they did in the interface of Cecilia. But I still liked the second part so I sticked with it.

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