Thursday, February 23, 2017

Listening Assignment (2/22)

Reviewed by: Emily Cesarini

Metal: Black Sabbath “Supernaut”
  • Opens with a nice guitar riff and drum instrumental. I like that the lyrics they seem to be almost rebellious in nature: “ Don’t need no religion, don't need no friends… I've seen the future and I've left it behind.” An overall good song that makes you want to move your head along with the beat and just feel empowered.

Punk: Ramones “I wanna be sedated”
  • This song has a great beat and funny lyrics that tie together nicely. I enjoyed the chorus and how that the singer was going crazy, unable to control themselves. It makes me think about how the writer felt when he wrote this song and whether they felt that they didn’t have control over themselves.

Iggy Pop & the stooges 1969
  • The instrumentals are carried out well in this piece which is good because the vocals are minimal throughout.

New Wave: Television “Fear No Evil”
  • This was my least favorite out of these piece because although the guitar riff was very good the overall beat of the song was a little too repetitive for my taste. Also the vocals seemed slightly screechy and overlapped to much for me to truly enjoy it.  

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