Sunday, February 26, 2017

Listening Assighnment: Black Sabbath, The Ramones, Iggy Pop and The Stooges and Television

Black Sabbath, “Supernaut" (Metal): I like how it started off with the cymbals then slowly escalates, having other instruments join in to make this steady but sick ass beat. Halfway through the song a guitar solo came on and it completely blew me away. The way it was played made you want to bob your head up and down to the beat, it continued to buildup, the strings that were being played got tighter and stronger, when played the pitch of the guitar riff got higher and higher. This feels like the type of music that begins to play in the beginning of a movie before something amazing happens. 

The Ramones: "I Wanna Be Sedated” (Punk): I can relate to this song in many ways, in my opinion this piece may sound very repetitive but it actually speaks a lot for itself. Just the words “ Twenty-twenty-twenty four hours to go I wanna be sedated-“ It kind of sounds depressing when you actually think about it and if you replace some of the words with the things thats gotten you upset, sad or whatever that makes you want to drop everything or sleep forever like the phrase here, “I wanna be sedated”, this is what represents the “I’m over it” for people. The guitar and drums in this piece go together very well and is played smoothly, you don’t hear any off beat tune or anything, its just plays all the way through like butter. 

Iggy Pop and The Stooges, “1969”: The first thing that stood out to me in this piece were the handclaps, it may not be something new or an instrument being played, but I found it to be pretty cool how they incorporated the hand claps to this piece. The singer is repetitive with the saying “its 1969-“ but it never did loose focus on itself which I thought was pretty neat. My favorite part was the “Wah Wah” part it was definitely played a couple times and just the sound itself sounds amazing, I feel like you can never get enough of that, because it’s what makes the piece great. In my opinion I feel like the music its self is stronger than the lyrics in this piece it doesn’t drain out the lyrics, the beat itself is just catchy that I don’t pay too much attention to the words. 

Television, "See No Evil”: In my opinion this would have to be my least favorite piece, its not terrible, but I wasn’t feeling it that much like I did with the others. Its a pretty interesting piece, my first time listening to it but there were some good pieces played. Overall the piece is very mellow and steady to follow along too.

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