Sunday, February 19, 2017

Listening assignment Miles Davis, Charles Mingus...

Miles Davis- So what
Most of this song consists of Miles Davis beautifully playing the trumpet, along with others playing their own respective instruments. I never was a huge fan of jazz music at all since I usually see it as the “background music” in old movies and cartoons. Despite this, I can say that he does a superb job.

Charles Mingus-the chill of death
Now this particular piece was a little strange. The first half of the song sounds like the stuff you hear playing in older horror films. In addition you hear a male, who I presume is Charles Mingus, eerily telling some sort of story. The combination of the two was unsettling to me. Then in the second half the sound changes completely. The song switches up to full on jazz. Also it still keeps some of its “horror” elements in the background. I can see why it is called “The chill of Death”, since it definitely gave me the chills.

James Brown-The big Payback
 I love James Browns style. Especially in “The Big Payback” it’s one of those songs where you just bob your head and funk to.  It’s understandable why many hip hop and r&B artists sample these songs. Songs like these never get old, and still has the same effect on those who first witnessed it in the past.

Parliament- Funkadelic Mothership connection
I’ve never heard of this song or this band but I feel Like I should have. Songs like these I dig. My favorite parts of this piece are the vocals and the trumpet. Vocals are very calming and the trumpet is what makes this piece “funkadelic”.

John Coltran- My Favorite Thing

Like Miles Davis, John Coltrane is amazing at playing his respective instrument, the saxophone. It is very relaxing and calming but I don’t see myself listening to music like this at all. 

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