Friday, February 24, 2017

Listening Assignment

Metal: Black Sabbath: Supernaut – My immediate response upon listening to this piece was that I could see this song as the theme/intro song to an Anime because a lot of shonen anime work with high energy metal music like this, because they make fighting scenes more intense and entertaining. I love the little guitar solo in the middle of the song it was my favorite part because I really flowed to it and bopped my head because the rifts had such a good and energetic build-up to them.
Punk: Ramones: I wanna be sedated – This track immediately started off with a high energy  happy feeling but as far as the lyricism I have no idea if its sadistic or evil in nature, I just know the feeling of the track makes me want to jump around like a crazy white kid. I feel like this is a track I would find while playing a Tony Hawk skateboard game and honestly, I loved those games so I really generally like this song for reminding me of that. Also, I feel like Adam Sandler has used this song in at least one of his movies (at least in the credits).
Iggypop & The Stooges: 1969 – This was an incredible piece, I don’t know how else to describe the “journey” of the song other than it felt like one would listen to this while tripping off Acid. This song had a great pickup in its vocals it is kind of subtle but noticeable enough to make you appreciate it and notice it, it just felt like the whole pickup of the song was a Journey into the world of Rock N Roll and Drugs.

New Wave: Television: See No Evil – This track was definitely different from the other tracks it felt not only happier but noticeably more mellow. I could see myself listening to this song on a long road trip to Las Vegas or something. The song gave me a pure feeling of invincibility, like I could do anything without facing the consequences, I felt like Superman, Black Superman! J

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