Monday, February 20, 2017

Lisening Assignment

Fela Kuti - Zombie - This was a really interesting, upbeat song.  It had a cool, fairly consistent beat and would have felt complete even without the vocals.  However, the lyrics made it even more fun to listen to.  I felt it had a great blend until the high pitched keyboard sound around 10 minutes in, but other than that I really enjoy this song.

Bjork - Pagan Poetry- Awesome song, it started out reminding me of a hip hip/electronic beat, and the passionate vocals completed the song.  There was a background sound that was a really interesting addition to the mix, something I would be skeptical to add if I was producing, but was really cool.

Radiohead- Idioteque - Love this song, haven't stopped listening for weeks since it was first mentioned in class a couple weeks back.  The song has gotten better with time, and the instrumental (by Paul Lansky) is still as interesting as it was the first time I heard it.  Really different, but the lyrics were able to blend the song well, which is hard to do with the fairly disruptive and noisy beat.

Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love - Another great song.  It is hard not like Led Zeppelin in my opinion.  In the beginning of the song, the sound that seems like a car coming to an abrupt stop almost, was an interesting choice.  Also the entire instrumental middle part of the song was really different and cool.  It stripped down all of the rock elements and built them back up again with some airy supporting sounds towards the end, which I love.

Captain Beefheart - Moonlight on Vermont - The song kicked off upbeat pretty quick, then slowed down a bit very briefly, and build back up the consistent intensity for the rest of the song.  The vocal style really complimented the twangy and sometimes high pitched guitar beat.  Really unapologetic and cool.

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