Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Introducing Alex Pinchin

Alrighty so I'm Alex Pinchin.

           I am currently in the Digital Arts and Sciences degree through the College of Engineering with a minor in Light Design with the College of Fine Arts. However I am applying to the new BADAS program this Spring and will hopefully be starting it this Fall. I've been following its progress waiting to see when it would start since last year so when they finally announced next Fall I got really excited. I already see that I am not the only one that is interested which is great. I am originally from Sarasota, Fl and have lived in Florida all my life. I've spent the last about 8 years doing technical theater and so have a lot of experience in that. It is actually where I have most of my audio experience. I worked as both a sound and light guy mainly. I used Audacity a lot to make different sound files for shows as well as using it to create soundtracks for several laser light shows I created while back in high school. I am also taking a Sound Design for Theater and Dance class this semester to help build my portfolio.
           Music and sound has always been a huge part of my day. You can't come in my room without hearing me playing music. I work to music, I relax to music, I even sometimes sleep to music. The music I listen to isn't limited to 1 genre I cover basically all kinds of music. It really just depends on the mood I'm in. I can go from EDM to classical to classic rock and even sometimes dabble in country. Right now I've been listening to my Hans Zimmer Pandora station for the last 3 hours.
        My hope is that when I get out of school to go and work for Disney as an Imagineer for a while. I love watching them use the latest technology to immerse the audience into a show and just make it spectacular. Their projection show "Celebrate The Magic" which is a 3D mapping over Cinderella's castle is what really inspired me to want and go work there because I just love that kind of technology. Also their "World of Color" show out in California is really cool.

I can't even begin to think of some of the audio I want to share. There's just a lot I listen to. Here's some things that I think are really interesting and cool to listen to. This is all loops and done live which is insane. I have interest in being a part time DJ at some point but funds are low at this point to start.   One of my favorite DJs. He creates mashups of popular songs, I'm sure most of you have heard him before.    This sight has a lot of really cool sound files I like. The barber is really cool. Make sure you have full headphones and not earbuds.

I'm not a hard person to approach so if you ever want to work on something or just want to get someone's opinion I'm game.

1 comment:

Patrick Pagano said...

Welcome Alex, Tell Mcshane i said Hi when you are in his class next. If you have done sound for theater you are probably used to SFX or Qlab, I feel Ableton is much more versatile for shows. Being able to create your own sounds with code should be a good feather in your sound designer cap.