Thursday, January 30, 2014

More about Mellotron

Good morning,

How are you? Sad, cause it's grey outside. Anyway, back to the Mellotron.

Although we already know what it is, I'll briefly explain again. It's like a piano but not a piano. It's more like a regular keyboard. You know how when you look at a modern keyboard, they have preset loops already programed into them? Well, Mellotron is basically just like the present keyboard, except you couldn't switch between presets and piano and back in the 60's tapes were used. Many famous musicians have used the Mellotron in their music. Here's a list a guy who loves Mellotrons made (he also made a website u should browse):

So, take a look and listen to some tunes.

Also, if you don't want to read anything at all, watch this video of Paul McCartney. He basically explains the Mellotron and gives a brief show on how it works.

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