Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Greetings Earthlings

Well, this isn’t my first rodeo. I’ve taken a few classes with Digital Worlds now. I am double major with history (focusing on Asian studies) and Digital Arts and Science with Digital Worlds. I’d like to be the first person to graduate with a BADAS degree.
Most of my experience with the digital arts is coding, and 2D design.
In this class I hope learn how to put sound to games, to make a cohesive experience. I know it's easy to know what sounds wrong, but I'd like learn how to tell what sounds right. Pat teach me some “Disney Magic.”

I was in chorus for a good chunk of my life, although I am still tone deaf. When I sing, dogs start howling. I listen to happy music, and am not genre specific.!/playlist/Bootyswing/63300662

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