Wednesday, January 29, 2014


The Mellotron is an electrical musical instrument that was created in the year 1962 by a man named Harry Chamberlin. It can provide the sound of a variety of different instruments with 3 octaves by using strips of magnetic tape, a pinch roller, tape head, pressure pad, and a rewind mechanism for each note. To play a note, a key needs to be pressed, which would then trigger the mechanism that pulls each tape strip across the tape head, which would play the sound that was prerecorded on the tape. However, since the Mellotron had a limit of about seven or eight seconds of sound per note (after which the tape rewound itself to be ready when the same note might be played again), it was usually only used for slower music.Despite this, many famous bands have used the Mellotron in their music, including the Beetles, Genesis, and King Crimson, and Yes.

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