Thursday, January 16, 2014

Sound Environments and CSOUND


So... I apologize for my late upload. I have a million excuses why but mainly it's because 1) it took me forever to find the sounds I wanted and 2) for the life of me, I could not figure out how to record in audacity (noob, I know). Anyway, I hate being that person, yet somehow here I am. The first environment I made, I really enjoy. The second one is aight, I'm going to be honest. I tried going for the whole "creepy" vibe and it didn't turn out quite the way I would have hoped. But whatevs, still learning. Also, I have figured out how to embed things, yay me! 

*It gets a bit loud so, like, be prepared. 

(I tried really hard, ok.)



Since I’m one of the last people (if not very last), writing about csound is going to be repetitive and boring. Alas, the life of a college student.  Csound is an audio programming language for sound (u already know). Although the dewd Barry Vercoe was kind of the main dewd, many of his fellow bromingos aided with it’s finalization. It takes "two specially formatting coding”, the orchestra and score to make sound stuff.  It’s a pretty rad language to utilize and create if you know how it do. Plus, it’s free! (I think.)

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