Saturday, January 11, 2014

Hi everyone!!

My name is Terrence Nealy, and I'm a junior Telecom major in the production track.  I love all forms of digital media and love to take pictures, edit videos, draw, sing, and song-write.  I took this class because I want to be able to mix and master clips as well as make beats for some of the songs that I write.  I love music (and lyrics) and listen to a lot; ranging from rock to old school Motown hits.  If I had to choose a genre though, I'd probably say that I most enjoy a mix between R&B and funk.  My favorite artist to date is Frank Ocean because of his lyrics and beat style.  Here are some of my favorite songs!!

Thinking About You (Most Popular Song)

Forrest Gump

Rocket Love (When he was Christopher "Lonny" Breaux)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did you hear the Ryan Hemsworth Bootleg of "Thinkin Bout You"? It's better. :)
(Follow the link)