Sunday, April 16, 2017

Weekend Listening

Conlon Nancarrow, Study for Player Piano- (Link I listened to: This was really crazy and it was hard to listen to.  There was no real structure or balance for most of it and it seemed like me mashing the piano.  However, after listening to it for a bit it got less meaningless but still would have to listen to it a lot more because my ear is not accustomed to this.

Robert Ashley - Perfect Lives- (Link I listened to: This was also something strange to my ear.  It was a bit jumpy and chaotic when getting in to it, but in a weird way I could meditate do it probably.  Some parts had a more popular feel but it was mostly unique use of music and vocals to put you in a trance.

Midori Takada - Through The Looking Glass.- (Link I listened to: Very serene project and something I can definitely meditate to.  I really liked the "Crossing" part, made me feel upbeat and happy instantly.  Awesome diverse piece with interesting sounds and prolonged sequences.

Laurie Anderson - O Superman- (Link I listened to: Really weird.  The "ha" drone I couldn't get in to and it turned me off.  The vocals were cool though, very unique.  It seemed like without the drone repeating I would like it a lot more, and in a more chilled out track.  For what it is, its very cool to listen to and I bet after a few more listens I would like it even more.

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