Sunday, April 2, 2017

Weekend Listening and Ted Ex on Sound Design

Carpenters- "We’ve Only Just Begun”: The young woman’s voice is really beautiful and soothing especially having the flute in the background It goes very well with her voice and everything else through out this piece. Even the tambourine itself made an effect to the piece when everyone begins to sing along, you don’t notice at first but if you listen carefully the tambourine just makes that much of a different to the piece. The song itself gives a meaning of, it’s never too late to do what you want to do because it’s just the beginning of a new chapter/life. 

America- “A Horse With No Name: I can say it’s an interesting piece that I’ve listened to. It has a very mellow beat, the vocals are fairly monotone but in no way grating or boring. It almost centers around one note but it complements the feel of the song quite beautifully either way it’s a chill song to listen to and even listening to the lyrics themselves is different. The way I see it, is how as you grow older, you’re more on your own. The horse being mentioned in the piece is something you’ve grown up with and as that horse runs away towards the end that person has to learn to continue growing up and doing things on his own.

Simon and Garfunkel- “The Boxer”: In my opinion, speaking for all the pieces that I've listened to, including this is pretty cool, just being a young person and stumbling across stuff like this. It’s like music from another dimension. Especially music played in this generation, hearing music back then is different has so much more of a meaning then. This piece itself you can tell the lyrics are profound and thought through. It’s pretty upsetting towards the end of the song, the mood seems to change it's almost this dark and eery sounds\ but then it stops and transitions to how it first started playing in the beginning.

Ted Ex on Sound Design: 
Already from the start this blew my mind completely when he showed those three different clips of rain but in the end it turned out to be sounds for bacon sizzling. That in my opinion is just genius and when you actually think about it there’s so many clips and videos, movies, etc. made, that actually had to go through this process and create every little sound they can. Thats just so much hard work and dedication people don’t know about and now when I start looking at films or other videos it makes me wonder, were these sounds created? What did they have to use to make that specific sound? this just makes me realize and appreciate the sounds much more than I ever did. After watching this clip it actually opens your eyes and notice sounds you never did before, even as he talks about how theres never any “silence” in any movies and for there to be silence there's still noise involved just faintly for you to hear, it's interesting to know that now. Again, it’s just amazing how sound can make you feel and think, if i was never introduced to this video I’d continue thinking everything is just done and made in that moment, for example a bird flapping their wings but it’d just turns out it was someone just flapping a pair of gloves to make that sound more vibrant, clear and realistic.

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