Monday, April 17, 2017

Ubu Participation

I stumbled upon a piece by Dara Freidman that was interesting and similar to my film I will be working on for the final.

     Description was as follows: Friedman documents a model during a fashion shoot, the exaggerated,      staccato rhythms of her camera punctuated by machine-gun like bursts of fireworks and the            chiming of bells. The model veers wildly between states of calm and hair-wringing distress in a    short, hyper-kinetic sequence bookended by image fields of solid color; a slow approach to an   intense, intimate proximity.

It took footage that would normally be enhanced with sensual and calm accents but Freidman used short cuts and harsh sound effects.  It made the ordinary photoshoot seem creepy and uneasy which is fairly difficult.  Freidman completely rearranged the theme of the event in which the footage came from and instead of a sensual, heavenly composition it was more scary and evil.

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