Sunday, April 23, 2017

Listening assignment 4/17

Conlon Nancarrow, Study for Player Piano 

This was a very interesting and weird song to listen to. It sounds like someone was bored and just started playing random keys on the piano. There was no real structure to this at all other than playing progressively faster or moving from the left keys to the right.

Robert Ashley - Perfect Lives

Not really what the purpose of this is. I can’t tell if it’s a song or just some guy doing a very long monologue. Overall I think this is very bizarre due to its randomness and the repetitive pressing of the piano keys.

Midori Takada - Through the Looking Glass

I enjoyed this piece quite a bit. It’s very relaxing and soothing to the ears with its nature sounds and the simplicity of the instruments. This song sounds like it would be perfect for a documentary of animals or places in the world.

Laurie Anderson - O Superman
At first I was mildly disturbed and scarred of this piece. However, as the song progressed I liked it in a weird way. Like this song kind of grows on you and ends up being soothing. I like the synthetic sounds from the background instruments and the robotic noises from the singer. The only thing I didn’t really like about this piece is when she was just talking to the voicemail, I feel like it ruins it.

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