Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cecilia on Linux

Has anyone gotten Cecilia to run correctly on any distribution of linux? I have tried on Ubuntu 10.4 and I am unable to load any sound files. If anyone else has tried this on other distro's or gotten it to work on Ubuntu, that information would be helpful.

The goal of getting Cecilia to work on Ubuntu is that Windows 7 users can run Cecilia on a virtual Ubuntu install running in VirtualBox.


Christian said...

I installed Cecilia on my Ubuntu distribution too but it looks a lot different than the one Pat showed in class. I haven't had the chance to play with it too much, but I will keep you posted if I make any progress

Matt C said...

Ok - I also was able to install and start it - the problem I am having is that I am unable to load an audio file into the application. Please let me know if you manage to do that.

Patrick Pagano said...

Christian, you are using version 2.0 which is fine. Apparently i was misinformed and the Windows7&Linux version of Cecilia4 is not working 100% yet, whilst OSX works perfectly, so please continue with the assignment. I will most likely give people more time on the assignment.

Matt, we'll test the sample anomaly in class, if you do not have it working by thursday, but again, PLEASE DO NOT GET HUNG UP on what does not work and experiment with Stochastic Granular


Matt C said...

Pat, is Stochastic Granular a part of Cecilia or something else?