Thursday, February 17, 2011

What to do this week

Here are the list of assignments

The following must ALL get done:
Cecilia - get, find or make a violin, cello or guitar sound... any strung instrument, really.  Apply an effect/distributor (gaussian, weibull, etc.)
Download Ableton demo (Ableton Suite) - come up with four questions between now and next Thursday. Post them on the blog
Bush of Ghosts:  Blog on Bush of Ghosts.  Log in and join the site (  Download one of the two songs and remix it as your own.
Ubuweb - find two sounds that "strike you," and blog on them.  Save the sounds to your memory stick
Read Chapter 12
Blog on the person assigned to you (for instance, mine was K. (Klaus) Shulze)
Come in this week and work on Sequencers

Blog on at least two of the following:
Cut-up method
Steely Dan sex toy
Sample and Hold
ARP (Arturia ARP synthesizers)

Things to remember:
Quiz/Test next week (Know your vocab!)
The four elements of synthesizers

If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an e-mail:


Alexa Henderson said...


Matt C said...

When you say download 1 of the 2 songs, which 2 songs are you referring to? I see many tracks that can be downloaded from that bush of ghosts website under Download

bpokorny1 said...

Under "Download" there are two songs: A Secret Life and Help Me Somebody. Both contain multiple tracks to download. You will want to download all of the files, and use whichever ones you see fit, whether that be all of them or only some of them, just so you make the piece (in some way) your own.