Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lumpy Post

Oh, I loved every second of Lumpy Gravy...  I don't know what else I can say about it.  It's different than anything else you can imagine, but it's different in the best kind of way.  When I think about it, this album isn't even as "different" as the majority of the Zappa that I have heard.  All in all, I just think it's amazing, and I could listen to it again and again.

On to the next lump in this post

Steve Reich's Music for 18 Musicians:  The performance that I listened to may have just not been done so well, but the beginning tone that is repeated throughout was a little too overpowering for the first minute or two, even as it occasionally changed by a note or two.  It was a little too much.  If it had been slightly more subtle, it probably would have held my attention better.

Next lump

Six Marimbas, again with the Reich:  Definitely worth the listen.  Very complex.  The repetition kind of got to me after a while, but it really did take a long time for that to happen.  Overall, I don't know that I would go out of my way to listen to it again, but I don't regret listening to it.  Although, it is rather hypnotizing, so there might be some interesting use to it, deep down...

Last lump

Plunderphonics:  I just have one question...  with that whole Canada Copyright Act, how would they know it was a copyrighted piece if you altered it beyond recognition?  How would they catch you, unless you explicitly said what you sampled from?

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