Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Quiz Thursday

Hey guys.  I don't personally know what will and will not be on the quiz, but here are some things that I am going to try to think about:

Iannis Xenakis (came up with granular synthesis)
granular synthesis
Dennis Gabor (initially responsible for the development of granular synthesis)
The Work of Art in the Mechanical Age of Reproduction
DAC = Digital to Analog Converter
The Nyquist Frequency is 22050.  CD quality is twice the Nyquist Frequency (44100)
Just Intonation (operates the same way as memory in computers)
LFO = Low Frequency Oscillator (basically a clock)
Lucky Man by Emerson, Lake and Palmer (1972) = the first time a moog synthesizer was used musically
          in a song
The three pillars of sound design:
          1.  The physical elements of sound
          2.  Mathematical
          3.  Psychological
Remember how to calculate tones (Ex.:  the 7/4 of a 256 tone = 7 x 256 / 4)
John Chowning (discovered the FM technique in 1973.  This technique was later commercialized by
ADSR = Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release
Convolution (creating a sense of space)
William S. Burrows (coined "heavy metal")
The four basic elements of synthesizers = oscillators, filters, envelopes and amplifiers
Bicycle Built for Two (done by Max Matthews, was the first musical computer composition)
60Ghz is the fundamental frequency
The big four = Lamont Young, Terry Riley, Phil Glass and Steve Reich (minimal modern music
Terry Riley's In C was the first minimalist music composition
First real electromagnetic music was in 1948

These are just some things that I'm gonna focus on a bit when reviewing.

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