Monday, August 26, 2013

Power of Sonics - Pt. 2

Our job was to find loops from and create and process a newly compiled loop from it. Here are mine:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like what you're trying to do with Loop 1, what with the seemingly mismatched synth and chanting. It shouldn't work, but in a way it totally does. The song has its own feel and quirkiness to it that's very difficult to describe. But I dig it. Loop 2 just sounds really beautiful to me; that lady's voice is pretty good. But that beat and softer trumpet really sells it. That old man in the back is super creepy, though. Loop 3 seems relatively simple, but I think it has a really nice sound to it. Again, the chants add a very sharp, percussive element to the song that fights against the slower horns. It's a weird feeling, like someone wading through molasses. I don't really get the voice, but I feel like the song would be naked without it. Again, good job.