Friday, August 30, 2013

Max and Cecilia

I've been messing around with Max (since I stole that textbook) and I'm really loving the program. So far, I've only done really basic code stuff, but that's not what I'm excited about. Coming from Pd, Max felt like a breath of fresh air. The UI is so clean and the organization of objects is painless. Even the creation of new "lines" and objects is simplified thanks to the auto-fill program (like in NetBeans or multiple other IDEs; it can really spoil you). Again, I've only done simple stuff so far, but it all felt so easy compared to Pd where I felt I would've been struggling. I think I'm going to stick with Max.

As for the Cecilia stuff, I have two things. The first one is a manipulated version of the loop "Glitch Ambience" I made. It didn't really turn out the way I wanted (the first version I made crashed before I could save it), but I'm still happy I was able to get something out of it. I built up the Intensity grains in Cecilia to get that chaotic sound near the end (although I wish it could've been a bit messier). I also had the Depth oscillate to make it sound like the song was just leaving and then it immediately comes back. I also added a Phaser, Harmonizer and Dead Resonance. I think those complimented the sound of the swinging really well, and the glitches and water sounds already sounded ghostly and messed up enough.

The next Cecilia project is actually my favorite. I didn't do much; just meddled with the default "StochGrain" in Cecilia, but I think it turned out really pretty. Not much thought went into manipulating the sound, I just changed it depending on whether I liked it or not. I did add Delay and Distortion, though.

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