Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Ubu.com=Time Evaporator

Ubu.com is a serious distraction and overwhelming with the vast amount of content. I used the sound page of Terry Riley as a point of entry into this amazing resource.

Terry Riley is an minimalist classical composer and my first introduction to him came from his piece In C. I later learned that he made use of synthesizers and tape loops as well. Now thanks to ubu.com I can listen to his "remix" of a Junior Wells song from 1965.

 " 'Bird of Paradise' is an early example of "plunderphonics," with heavy R&B soul jams, pop      tunes, classical music, and who knows what else cut and looped with noise and effects, making them nearly unrecognizable by playing with different speeds and sonorities. Riley made something truly original. When it can be found, the groove itself becomes infectious, but just as it does, it is transformed into something else."

Another musician I searched for was Sun Ra. He is one of my jazz staples and I have always found his music to be fascinating. What is important for us is that he was one of the first, not only jazz musicians, but musicians to use synthesizers. Most notably the Moog synthesizer. He is a pioneer of music who is worth checking out. There are some documentaries  of him that are great introductions if you have some time to check it out.

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