Thursday, August 22, 2013

Music: Staples and Tendencies

Like many folks, the music that I trend towards adjusts with the rhythm of the day. Currently, I find myself choosing Thelonious Monk, Pluramon, Tom Zé, and Jacaszek.
Thelonious swings with elastic introspection. I can’t think of anyone else who can elicit a meditative bounce using minimal notes than he can. T.M. is one of the main jazz staples for me.
If I am in a processing or grinding out mode I have been selecting Pluramon’s Render Bandits, which is/was a German group performing post-prog rock/ IDM with heavy dub-like bass and glitch and electronic treatments thrown in. It’s like Nabukazu Takemura remixing Can.
I like intimate classical music( soloists and quartets) and the trend of some composers to integrate ambient treatments into chamber music. Jacaszek, from Poland, is my current favorite among these composers. He could have composed the soundtrack to any Andrei Tarkovsky movie.
My wife is Brazilian, so I also listen to a lot of Brazilian music. Tom Zé is a genius-trickster. He turned samba on its head by giving it a post-modern look in the mirror.

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