Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Loop Comments

Loop Comments: This is a general comment to everyone( and for myself). I wish that you all had posted a little more information about your loops. For instance, what processing you may have used after collecting them from Freesounds, if any of the samples were taken from your own collection, and maybe an idea of how many samples you used. It will be nice to have a view into your individual processes, even if it was accidental experimentation,  in making the loops, and having that information will allow the sounds we create easier to critique.

Having said that I was impressed with everyone's output. We all seemed to have at least one loop that had a dark and edgy mood to it. This bodes well for our project Dr. Faustus.

Loop 1 has a modern art museum piece feel. I liked, what sounded to me like the voice of a Sifu guiding students through a martial arts drill being looped.  For me, the space age sound was contrasting too much with the “drill sargent”. But again, that is just me. It was my favorite of your loops. Loop 2 brought a new age tribal sound into the mix. Your samples complemented each other and sounded natural looped together. Loop 3 brings out the Girltalk. This would be a nice intro to song with a positive message/ party theme.

Your first loop has a dark contemplative mood. And although it never reaches silence this loop makes use of hushed moments to make a statement.  Loop 2 feels like the sound of concentrated aggression even though the tempo is moderate. This could be used as a soundtrack for a scene of a boxer getting psyched up for a bout. I say that because the bell sample sounds like it’s from a boxing ring. I find that both these loops are two sides of the same coin in that they create similar tense moods from different angles.

“Bassier Beat” sounds claustrophobic(in a good way) and has a lot of bottled up energy.  I can hear some faint voices buried underneath and that adds to the overriding mood I feel from listening to it. “Glitch Ambiance” has a Múm feel to it. The toy piano, snap crackle pop sound mixed with the burbling background works well. Having just recently flown in and out of Copenhagen, I enjoyed the surprise ending. “Dark” is just that, dark. The gradual building up of the sounds adds heightened tension to the loop.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, I was also wondering how you got some of your sounds. Like, how much of it was customized? Did you edit any of the loops from Freesound? As for me, all my songs are simply five loops playing over each other and recorded in Audacity. All from Freesound.