Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Terry Riley

Terry Riley’s landmark compositions, In C and Persian Surgery Dervishes, very in the emotional effect they have on the listener, but both pieces are based in the same minimalist style. In minimalism, the non-essentials to the emotion-invoking experience of listening to music are removed. This leaves the base beat to create focus in the composition. Both pieces contain multiple layers and instruments, where the various instruments are what compete for the listeners’ attention. In C, repetitious base beat encourages the listener to go into a trance-like state, while the instruments bring a more hopeful, warming tune. The Persian Surgery Dervishes is much more drone like in tone and the added instruments keep the audience in state of self-reflection and tranquility. On a side note: Riley’s own Web site, terryriley.net’s background images pair perfectly with his music, exemplifying the repetition with visuals. As he was good friends with La Monte Young, Riley spent a lot of time with the NY Theatre of Eternal Music. His influence in the field of minimalist music, continues to effect modern music today, as shown in loops and sampling which are still used in everything for hits you hear on the radio to ring tones, though I would argue that much of today’s popular music which is founded in minimalism is less expressive and innovative and more driven in formula and beat.

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