Sunday, March 5, 2017

Weekend Listening

Genesis - Carpet Crawler

The first thing I noticed about the song was its transcendent quality. The instrumentals and lyrics a have a very relaxed vibe. As the song progresses it picks up in tempo and shifts from a more relaxing vibe to a more uplifting one. It sounds almost like Coldplay in certain ways.

Yes - Long Distance Runaround

I have always appreciated Yes. I find their music very artistic and layered, and theres a certain organized randomness i find very appealing. The song feels like its telling a story, almost in a broadway esque way.

Pink Floyd - One of these days

I can see EDM Trance being influenced by Pink Floyd. Most of their songs including this one have a very trippy, relaxing vibe. The cuts between vocal and instrumental sections allow you to relax and visualize what you are hearing.

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