Sunday, March 5, 2017

Weekend Listening...

Genesis - Carpet Crawler:  Really love the background beat.  Really happy and a bit upbeat, flowing with the slow and cool vocals.  I would think to put a more ambient beat for the vocals but the beat gives a nice tempo and compliments well.  Really smooth song.

Yes - Long Distance Runaround: Another cool song.  The guitar coming in over and over in the beginning adding onto the beat was nice, gave it a nice tone.  Vocals were good.  The guitar solo was pretty rad.  And outro was also smooth.  Interesting overall.

Pink Floyd - One of these days: Interesting song by an interesting band.  Most noticeably to me was the robotic sound in the buildup that sounded like it had no decay on it and was a bit abrupt was weird but cool.  It was a very chill song to relax to but at the same time you can definitely get energy from it, there are different way to enjoy the song in my opinion - and thats great music.

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