Saturday, March 4, 2017

weekend listening

Genesis: Carpet Crawlers 
Amazing song. I don't know how they did it but they created something very special from what is basically a person talking with music in the background. Later on it turns talking more into singing and the pace picks up.. Very well put. The chorus makes perfect sense. Makes you feel like you are in a different world floating around. Great song.

Yes: Long Distance Runaround

Very well put as well. I enjoyed this song because it's very happy to listen to. It kinda lifts you up by listening to it. The background instruments are amazing as well. I don't listen to this kind of music but it's good. There is a guitar solo moment that takes it to another level too. 

Pink Floyd: One of these Days
You'll probably hate me for this but the best part of this song where the visuals put in the official video. Didn't really understand what was going on, the beat was a bit too low for my taste. And the fact that it has no vocals just kills it for me. Also, the first 50 seconds have nothing on them? The guitar might be the only thing i can say was more or less good. Not something I'd listen to, but maybe it could fit in some sort of movie or something. I dont know.

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