Sunday, March 19, 2017

Public enemy - Don't believe the hype.

This is leaning more to what I usually listen, rap. It's obviously older than nowaday's stuff which also means it has a very different style. Rap or hip hop used to be more like this, clear words rhyming and sending a message, usually coming from a man of dark skin. Nowadays we've lost a lot of that, which doesn't mean it's worse either. I do enjoy today's music better than the older tracks, might be because of the bases today are usually a bit more worked on I think. If you have a good base, the song has much more potential, and I think today's songs do that a bit better. Anyways, this is good stuff, It's funny how some messages sent in the eighties or nineties still apply today.. The message here is very strong.

beastie boys - so what'cha want

Well I understand how people can like this but I can't say I do. The base was very monotonous and didn't really add much. Plus I couldn't understand any lyrics because of the blurr-effect happening maybe because it's an old video or maybe because the song was just recorded like this. I wouldn't really put this strictly under hip hop, even though it has a feel to it.. I'm not sure.

Nirvana - Smells like teen spirit

Amazing instrumental. Simply amazing. Plus five hundred million views on youtube made me think since the beginning it would be something special. And indeed, it's something special. I'm not really into the whole yelling and screaming in songs, which in this song barely happens, but this was just a great piece. Apart from that I think the way he slows down and brings the volume down, and then picks it back up and starts yelling is very interesting it makes you feel like in a story maybe.
Great song.

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