Thursday, March 2, 2017

Weekend Listening

Weekend Listening Assignment
Genesis: Carpet Crawlers – I literally felt like I was floating in the air while listening to this, and I was passing by all the lifeforms on planet earth and high-fiving all of them. It felt so peaceful and calming and hippy like it was amazing, I just wanted to hug a tree and then use it to launch into space somehow with the power of this music and its very imaginative lyrics. If this song was a lightbulb it would light a blackhole, if it were fire it would burn the sun, this music was absolutely powerful it made me feel like a Phoenix that has arisen from the ashes and somehow became man… American Man.
Yes: Long Distance Runaround– This was an interesting piece, I felt like there wasn’t a lot of Heaviness to the song which I thought was unique but I felt if there were more crazier instruments in the track this could have easily been added to one of Gambino’s new obscure musical creations. I liked the lyrics “looking for the sunshine” it made me feel happy and uplifted because I try to always look for the best part of any negative situation.  

Pink Floyd: One of these Days – I just heard the wind in the beginning, but the buildup of that bass…. got damn that was heavy and amazing it felt like a song for a Rocky Balboa movie, it got me pumped up for a big fight. When it finally hit at like 3:44 that was when I had to go buy me a pair of boxing gloves cuz I was ready for the Fwight of my Life, Cash me ousside type of shit, I swear to God, it was that good and motivating! XD 

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