Saturday, March 18, 2017

Listening Assighnment: Public Enemy, Beastie Boys and Nirvana

Public Enemy - Don’t Believe The Hype: I honestly enjoyed this piece, in my opinion it opens up your eyes more in the reality of things, because what they’re basically saying is don’t always believe what you hear and see for example the music industry has always been a pioneer in hype. Especially with todays social media, hype is hitting new types of levels. Public enemy themselves try to educate people with their music bringing people together by exposing hypocrisies and preach awareness to those who have no common bond with different people from different backgrounds. In the end I do believe the music they put out there reached out to some people and made them see the reality of things. This piece is definitely related to today’s society and when it comes down to the beats and rhythm of the piece it's definitely caught my attention from the start and as I danced to the beat the lyrics came right after which made this piece so powerful and it just tied it all together.
Beastie Boys - So What Cha Want: I’ll admit in the beginning of the song it threw me off a bit because you have this mellow chill beat, almost soothing but then these group of guys just get a close up at the camera and start yelling, at least that’s how I took it as. It was a little hard to understand what they were saying you can definitely tell that they're voices were tweaked and messed with, sounding like a static tv. I mostly enjoyed the instrumental part of the piece more than what they were saying mostly because like i said before it was kind of hard to understand. I feel as though they have this combination of rock and rap, it’s definitely different from what I ever heard and has this strong energy to it. It almost feels like those types of movie where you have that badass character who doesn’t give a crap about things and does whatever he wants, almost like in their music video.
Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit: I love this song, hands down. I remember my cousin introducing this song to me and I immediately fell in love, it’s definitely a head banger when you listen to this song. Even the instruments played in this piece has so much energy and spirit, I don’t know it’s hard to explain but I like how it transitions from being loud to Kurt Cobain singing casually to the microphone, it never loses its balance its almost like a rollercoaster when hearing this piece as he’s yelling at the top of his lungs it’s almost as if he's at the peak of the rollercoaster and as he comes down from it he goes back to singing nonchalant, I also liked the opening of the guitar and as it continues on throughout the piece I feel like the guitar is that main key to this piece, but overall it’s a great song and it’s just impossible not to appreciate it.

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