Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thomas Köner- Nuuk (Night)

Thomas Köner- Nuuk (Night) headphones recommended.
In this piece I am identifying low frequency modulations with a slow attack with gradual decay. Back in the mix are long delays of granulated shifting noises with possibly some added pink noise. There are celestial keys that come slowly out of the mix almost dominanting the piece at the end, suggesting twilight shifting to constellations in a moonless sky.
For me this is very dark music but it doesn’t evoke heavy gloom. The climax suggests light emerging out of the darkness.  The glacial speed of the low frequencies combined with the shimmering keyboards is peaceful but ominous.
Side note: Coincidentally  this artist composed a a digital opera, The Futurist Manifesto, inspired by the famous manifesto published in 1909 by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Pat posted earlier this week.

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