Monday, September 16, 2013


COMMENTS ON CLASSMATES LOOPS Sorry guys I had this in my drafts, guess I never sent it. Angelo — The Sounds you collected fit well together in loops 1 and 2. Each loop had a mysterious feel to them. I can see Loop 2 being used in a commercial advertising perfume with an Indian influence. Loop 3 has a happy feel to it. Loop 3 has a higher tempo relative to the first two loops. The vocals used throughout your loops definitely creates an emotional mood that is recognizable. Muzak II (user624352967) — Your first loop has a musical feel. I feel as if you are a fan of dubstep and musical rhythm. If this is true, you did a nice job with having a versatile collection of sounds. However, I would have liked to hear more sounds in loop 2 and 3. I could only catch about three or four sound distinctions in “Dark”. Loop 2 was best to me because it didn’t have any recognizable sound other than the vocals. TDoughty — I like how you handle the beginnings and ends of your loops by being selective with what is the first or last sound you hear. For example the ocean sound in “Ocean Chains”. Wish you would have left the names of your loops untitled. Giving them names limits your audience interpretation. With the titles there, my mind wonder to the subject of the sound and I lose the mysteriousness of the sound because I already have a sense of it before I listen to it. The second loop had a few nice transitions to stir up the mood and felling. Improvising by adding the two tones instead of using cords was creative and they worked cohesively. SOUND DESIGNERS FROM UBUWEB Dj Food from ubuweb, caught my attention just by the name. It was surprising to hear how well his sound was put together. It makes me wonder what makes a “sound designer” a sound designer. Are Djs more of sound designers or producers? Is their much of a difference? I’m asking questions be cause I honestly don’t know but wonder about these things. His pop edgy sounds like a typical Dj but he showed attention to detail by combining sounds and artists a normal djs wound think about integrating

1 comment:

TDoughty said...

I don't know about everyone else but I saw this.