Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Pre Show Music

It's hard to pick two songs. These are the songs I have arrived at, at least today, for the pre music.

They are not listed in any order of favoritism.

Behemoth- Lucifer. Warning: This video is NSFW. I didn't realize Youtube would have this type of content. I found it amusing until I started feeling disturbed.  The lyrics are in Polish, thankfully. Very black metal. Theatrical and dramatic. I'm pretty sure Mephistopheles is following them on twitter. 

Sun 0)))- Big Church This band, along with Earth, are pioneers of drone metal. Big Church has a great chorus intro that evokes an exorcism like feeling which then inter mingles with the drones of distortion. In my mind this one is perfect for Faustus. 

ISIS- Wills Dissolve and False Light(Ayal Naor Remix) These tunes are by post-metal band ISIS. They are lush with driving distortion and feel more melodic than the other songs I have.

Scorn-Scorpionic. This is a project that was anchored by former Napalm Death drummer Mick Harris. Heavy bass and pounding drums. It's a metal, dub, and industrial hybrid with spooky cyclic momentum. Mick Harris also had a dark ambient project called Lull.

Godflesh- Antihuman Godflesh is a band who is fronted by Justin Broadrick( Jesu, Techno Animal, FINAL) Lots of hard buzzing bass and a pulsing drum track. Lyrics are a bit out of context but I like it anyway.

Other considerations I have are Crash Worship, Kaniba, Warhorse, Earth, Pelican, Swans, Anaal Nathrakh, Mogwai. 

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