Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Sound City - A Film by Dave Grohl

Hey All,

So the other night I was on Amazon instant watch and found a really interesting documentary about one of the most famous rock studios in America, Sound City. From Tom Petty to Nirvana to Ratt to Rick Springfield, the list goes on and on. Despite the grittiness, or because of the grittiness, bands and artists keep going there knowing that the sound from in-house Neve console is the best they could get. The Neve 8028 console is an analogue mixing board that was designed and calculated just right. Grohl then bought the console and had it installed in his home studio, like a dream come true. He then records a few of the artists that had a strong history with the console back in the 70's and ran everything through tape. Some of the songs they wrote in these recent session really blow your mind. If you have amazon prime I would totally take an hour or two and watch it.


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