Monday, September 16, 2013


I’ll be honest, before entering this course I always thought that Midi was just a keyboard instrument being used for scoring and writing music for sound and music programs. It is obviously a way more powerful instrument. I learned a lot reading the Wikipedia on Midi but I learned more about MIDI by experimenting with it in various programs. (Ableton 9, logic pro X, and FL Studio). Just by playing around with MIDI answer so many of my questions. One question that remains is, What counts as a midi controller? If I connect a midi keyboard, bass guitar, or drum machine to my computer, which of these are considered to be midi controllers? If I use an ipad to control a sequence in Logic Pro, is that considered a MIDI controller? So Many things are specific to MIDI that to me it seems almost to broad to label with one acronym. The wiki and other readings can explain everything there is to know about midi but what I look forward to most is getting hands on experience to go along with the new learned knowledge about it.

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