Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Stochastic Music (and Musical Environments)

Stochastic music is a term coined by Iannis Xenakis during the 20th century.  In the most basic sense, stochastic music is music that is created through mathematics, and is non-deterministic.  As it is part of a stochastic system, the composition is based on chance, where randmoness can be weighted.  This gives the possibility of creating partially controlled compositions, or entirely unpredictable pieces of music.  Because of the complexity and tedious mathematics involved in creating algorithms for stochastic music, Xenakis and other composers often use computers to produce their scores.  While there are other forms of music based on using chance, stochastic music has a strict mathematical basis.  Here is one of Xenakis' stochastic scores ST/4:

Alone In Space loop:

Prelude loop:

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