Monday, January 13, 2014



I'm Stephanie Capon and I'm a BFA Dance Major in the College of Fine Arts. On campus, I'm involved in many different organizations that I'll refrain from naming because I don't think this sentence is necessary now that I'm writing it...

My interest in this course stems from the Digital Worlds and Dance collaborations I've witnessed each year. I work with interdisciplinary forms of dance as often as I can and I truly appreciate the unique angle that digital and sound design can add to choreographed works. I hope to incorporate the tools taught in this class in my dance composition courses.

My musical knowledge base is extremely limited and I sadly cannot play anything other than a pair of tap shoes. You can sum up my audio design experience into a handful of songs mixed together on my Mac's Garage Band application. In terms of musical preferences, my tastes are simple. If a piece of music or sound score makes me want to dance in some capacity, chances are I enjoy it. I rarely listen to music outside of a dance class so I'm excited to work with sound separate from a dance space.

My current favorite song: Something Good Can Work- Two Door Cinema Club

My current favorite Pandora station: Stupid Cupid Radio

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