Thursday, January 9, 2014

Alexis Benter

Hi everyone!

My name is Alexis Benter but everyone calls me Ali. I was born and raised in Miami Beach which is now booming with art music. I am a sophomore and am looking forward to being a BADAS major with minors in CISE and mass communication. Until this semester, my major has been psychology which I was going to pursue with research or business. Art has been my calling but I only really have experience with painting and drawing. I love the combination of science and art that major has to offer. I still love psychology but find this way more appealing than research or being a therapist. I would love to be some sort of technical artist for Pixar or media company. I honestly have no experience with audio design other than playing with a few of my friends control boards on ableton. However, I love a wide variety of music and have gone to numerous festivals. I am more of a fan of live music than digital. I think Zach Deputy is one of the most musically talented people in the world and that I have ever seen live. He does everything including the guitar, harmonics, piano, and vocals and puts it together beautifully. Some of my favorite more technical artists include XXYXX and SBTRKT. Casually, I mostly listen to old rap and hip-hop. Some of my favorite bands include Pheonix, Alt J, and Red Hott Chili Peppers.

Here is a video of Zach Deputy performing:

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