Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Reich and Fripp

In the two pieces "Come Out" by Steve Reich and "1984" by Robert Fripp, the two artists go about recording their works in different ways and result in a different effect.  Reich uses his a single line from Daniel Hamm's recording ("I had to, like, open the bruise up, and let some of the bruise blood come out to show them") on both tape recordings and initially syncs them so that both channels are playing together in harmony. As the piece goes on, the channels start to play out-of-phase, so you hear two distinct voices. This repeats so that you hear four voices, then eight voices (at which point the voices sound like they're reverberating, or echoing, off of each other). Finally, the voices have become so split that it just sounds like raw noise. Whereas Reich really only uses one type of sound (the single line from the recording), Fripp piles many different sounds on top of each other, played together and at different pitches. This results in a piece that sounds more melodic.

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