Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Homework Assignments and blog posting

I hope to see ALOT more posting as required by the lecture last week.
remember i am asking for

1:) soundcloud links to 5 of your mixes -- homework for the grade
2.) Blog posts on ANY of the people and topics we covered in lecture
[Cage, Glass, REICH,Xenakis,Varese, Max Matthews, Terry Riley, Satie]
3.) A blog on the Introduction by Steve Reich and the 1st Chapter by the author
4.) I also made an assigment regarding the Xenakis and the Varese listening

We will cover the chapter in Depth tomorrow and be moving into types of sounds and creating our vocabulary for understanding waveforms and types of synthesis.

As of NOON on Tuesday I do not see very many of you completing the assignments as given


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