Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Harmonic Series and Freesound mix

Here is the link to my freesound mix:

One description that I read about the harmonic series said this:

"The Harmonic Series 
If a listener concentrates well while hearing a single, sustained pitch (or looks at the sound waves of the pitch on an oscilloscope) the listener hears not only the strong tone of the pitch but also higher and softer pitches above the more noticeable lower tone. These additional higher and fainter pitches that occur above the stronger and lower pitch are produced by the vibrating object. Because they are softer than the lower tone they are much harder to hear. A listener must concentrate intensely to be aware of these acoustical phenomena; however, they are seen quite easily on an oscilloscope."

I don't really know if this is pertinent to the harmonic series, but when looking at this description, I couldn't help but think about octave pedals.  I don't know how many of you are into guitar, but an octave pedal allows you to play any tone from several octaves at a time.  It's something that, like a harmonic series, is rather tough to notice, but really offers a cool tone if you happen to be listening for it.

1 comment:

Christian said...

This is my attempt to create something similar