Monday, February 8, 2010

Riverrun and Solar eclipse

I listened to Riverrun a couple of times because the first time I just sat there thinking..."I don't get it." Then after a re-listen I started to find the sounds I'm familiar with. Although I never heard a river running. At first it was similar to a low-flying plane over head. One part that did elicit a strong reaction from me was the high-pitched sounds of the cicada. It sent shivers down my spine and my hair was on end. The sound creeped me out so badly, it almost ruined the rest for me. Solar Eclipse, on the other hand, was quite enjoyable. Like someone else mentioned I heard the chanting and the didgeridoo, but I heard it in the second piece not Riverrun. It reminded me of watching Tibetan monks make a sand mandala when I was a freshman in university. The focus and concentration was incredible. Solar eclipse evoked that sense of meditation for me. Also, the crescendo towards the end and the spiraling downward sounds was reminiscent of the plot to a movie. While I certainly enjoyed Solar Eclipse far more than Riverrun, it is still interesting that natural sounds can me created like that.

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