Monday, February 15, 2010

Cecilia to band camp

I'm having a hard time getting my cecilia file to upload to bandcamp. everything else works just fine. I've tried all the different formats. any ideas?


Ed Salsberry said...

I'm still trying to figure out how to save the sound I've created in Cecilia...

Nik said...

Ed, make sure that you are saving the file to "Disk" instead of "DAC"
Here is an example

Ed Salsberry said...

Nik, my main problem is actually trying to save. I get it to play when selecting "DAC", but it won't save my changes as a .WAV when I select "Save Snapshot" with 16-bit Disk selected. I had to use version 1.41 beacuse I couldn't get the later version to work with Vista. Thanks.

Ed Salsberry said...

Somehow I got it to save, just not sure how and not the file name I wanted...

Nik said...

I haven't gotten any messages popping up telling me that it actually saved. So I think what happens is that the program saves in the directory where it is installed by default. Try looking in there