Tuesday, September 9, 2008

watch and blog



Anonymous said...

As for spirituality within music. I think music is next to reading one of the most relaxing mediums there are. Even when I spin on my turntables. I am relaxed, because it's just my mind and the music.
I think also the kind of music you listen to describes and I don't only mean genres of music. I can give you an example my friend once gave me, and I think it say a lot about me.

I once told my friend Gene that I don't like classic rock. He gave me a theory that I can give to you today. Take this title with a grain of salt. It's because I you are an "acidhead." Classic rock flows together, all of the sounds are kind of bland and everything is melted together to bring you the song. Where as music you like is more eclectic. A wide girth of sounds and instruments culminating into one great song. I love electronic music. Some of my favorite bands are very eclectic such as Gorillaz. Maybe that says something about me, I'm complex maybe. Well he didn't give me a full psychoanalysis about the comparison between my personality and eclectic music, but music can say a lot about a person.

Michael Bakum said...

"Music seemed to carry a powerful message of who we are..."
I have come to realize many things about music. Just as Terry Riley realizes the spiritual power of Indian and Moroccan music. Music heals. It does have some sort of relaxing power. After a rough day, the first thing I do when I get home is play the piano, and if not then listen to the music that allows me to release the crap of the day.

On self realization, Riley allows himself to be open to this new type of music. I have come to be more open to new types of music and genres which at one point I detested. I feel like music also carries the message of where we are (in life, in studies, etc.). The more I learn about music, the more open to it I become. For me it was rap. I can finally say that while rap is still not my favorite I can appreciate it for what it is. Hip hop has grown considerably on me and now I do like some artists.

Contrary to what Brian said, I don't believe that the music you listen to says whether or not you are more sophisticated or complex. In my opinion, just because classic rock sounds "bland" and "everything is melted together to bring you a song" it is still complex. It is the combination of the different complex rhythms and instruments that mesh together to be what I think is aesthetically pleasing. Just as the complexities of electronic music come together to form its own complex style.